human life is a beautiful concoction pro-fused with experiences that fire us up in ways that are difficult to comprehend. Yes, happiness, excitement, exhilaration, and countless synonyms beautifully define why we have a smile on our faces. To describe the joy, we have beautiful expressions and even some dramatic ones like 'feeling butterflies in the stomach.' But Yes, it feels somewhat like that. Most of the time, true happiness flies us into a land of deep Euphoria, where we gleam with exuberance.
But Pain, when it hits an incredible emotional level, we go numb. We have many words to describe that ultra-low emotional state for which we use multiple phrases like I got weak in the knees or hit rock bottom, but none fits best to tell what we feel. Yes, today, human languages have evolved to exceptional levels. Still, a language will never be able to define Pain, and those feelings that 99.9999999 (Let's not fill the article with 9s) times are impossible to articulate. I guess that is why when someone tries to help us or asks us about what happened, our first answer at that moment is always "I don't know" (succumbing to the power of Pain trying to just burst each Neuron in our brain as an Atom Bomb). We do not want to face that tsunami of truth wrapped in torture as a cannonball precisely aimed at the center of our hearts.
Every single one of us, for once, has been in that precise moment when it is difficult to define what we are feeling, and even more arduous is to do something about those feelings. In those weak moments, I have always wondered: Now, What? After that dream got shattered, or that love that felt like once in a lifetime got taken away, or when you failed to keep your head high because you messed up badly or, the worst being powerless, after doing everything right, you still Lost. Life seems unfair and at a standstill. Then one asks from the heart Now What - Unable to Navigate????? (Funniest part is that our heart suggests the dumbest shit ever to do in such situations).
One would be amazed to know the number of on-off synaptic firings (Neurons in our brain are connected by synapses that help to communicate information between cells). Our brain in various states has been said to fire ten to the millionth power times (a range of 100 trillion to 20 quadrillion synapses - Do not try to count the zeroes, Its a Drag), a figure said to be bigger than total atoms in the universe. Humongous number, Right? Such is the power we have been instilled within our brains by nature. But, do not get ahead of yourselves, as we very well know what all this Super-Brain suggests in times of pain - Let's Screw You Up a Little More. In the time when we experience that intense pain of loss, heartbreak, failure, defeat, collapse, misfortune, and whatnot, I feel our brain with such immense neural potency comes down from around 86 billion Neurons to, I guess 1 Neuron. That one neuron itself feels so lonely that all power of the mightiest brain out of all lifeforms on entire earth comes down to pleading for help.That too not knowing 'HOW' and 'WHOM' to ask. The question again is, What to do? Some situations feel like the end of the universe. We stay in such a state for a whileeeee. Yes, we do. This 'While' mostly takes a little long. Sometimes, it's a lifetime for some people. But, for some, it is not the End of the World. Yes, The Warrior Class, who, because of their innate quality of being powerless to give up on Hope, give up on their dream and give up on their love and passion. They bounce back on life each time it hits like it was in the groins.
What After the Pain?
It's more of a choice what happens after that. Some Kings and Queens, in a weak moment, choose to stay down for a lifetime, making that tiny phase of their lives the highlight of their lives, drown themselves in alcohol, drugs, and meaningless sex. This is just leading to the end of a tragic life story that could have been a lot better. Even with the brainless zombie minds, they cause pain to the ones close to them. On the contrary, there are heroes that, after drowning deep in oceans of grief, emerge back as pearls of the sky. Well, we can call them 'The Stars'.
When pinned down by life, they shine back stronger in life. They rise as Dumbledore's Phoenix did from its ashes. Such people become unapologetic for things that are not in their control and become relentless. For the warriors to reach their Prime, God might break and isolate them and rebuild them 1000 times, and in that process, one should wear the scars from their past wars as their shining armour. These people go through intense pain and agony. Sacrifice their most precious wants, after being put through all they did not deserve to become warriors for life; they are ready for any war with any pain now. They might seem ordinary to ordinary eyes, but their stories to the people in pain are a Shining Ray of Hope as they just rose from being in bed with pain from the Dead Sea of anguish, heartbreak, and lousy luck; ultimately leading to hitting rock bottom. Yet, still, they Shine. The ones that shine through tears, those radiate colours of triumph - Their smiles after are Priceless. The irony is all those wounded but still chose to rise for one more round; they are my definition of 'Just Beautiful'.
When you find yourself in pieces, pull yourself together and add some gold to the cracks. Do not stop being beautiful. Shine bright Warriors. Time will do its Magic.
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The best part about this blog is that I found it so relatable. Kudos to the writer π
Thanks a ton brother. Means a lot coming from you. π
Can I write a comment here?
surely you can. π
Flawless writing, relatable topic, beautifully concluded.
This is wholesome.
Appreciate your kind words… π